"To be at Peace", Still, Calm!
We invite you to spend some time just for you to
Join us for a 24-hour get away, for our 4th Day Members,
to Echo Grove Camp and Retreat Center in Leonard Michigan
beginning at 5pm on April 4 and ending at 5pm on April 5.
OASIS: Rest with the Son, will include a variety of activities including, dramas,
music, worship, Friday night bonfire, scavenger hunt, outdoor recreation/games,
free time to explore the camp and walk in nature, share your faith journey
and GOD moments, chat with old friends and new, and of course time for laughter, and perhaps some tears.
A lot to do in 24 hours but you'll be free to choose
what you want to participate in.
You design this time in a way that's best for you to
The registration fee of $65 covers your lodging and meals and is due by March 5th.
Click here for a copy of the
We hope you will join us for this Spirit-filled, fun 4th Day event. Pack up your sleeping bag, comfortable shoes, your bible and journal (if you want to use them) and your flashlight and join us on April 4-5.
Remember, brothers, and sisters, God loves you, we love you,
and there is nothing you can do about it.