The Renewal Weekend
What Happens on the Renewal Weekend?
The weekend is an experience in Christian sharing and living.
Talks are made by both clergy and lay people and provide a Christian perspective on the following topics:
● Priorities `
● Grace
● Laity
● Importance of Study
● Christian Living
● Obstacles to a Life of Grace
● Leadership
● Christian Action
The weekends also include chapel each morning, communion, small group discussions, sharing, music, singing, laughter, and prayer.
Who Attends a Renewal Weekend?
A Renewal Weekend is not designed to convert anyone to Christianity. It is a renewal meant for those who believe in God.
The goal is to encourage Christians in their lives of faith and increase their awareness of grace and service to the Church and world. It is to help people be stronger Christians in their local church.
May I Go With a Spouse or Friend?
Yes. Marriages and friendships can be strengthened and deepened by the common experience. Please note: if attending as a couple, you will ordinarily be sleeping in separate rooms. Exceptions to this guideline will be considered upon request.
When Are The Weekends Held?
Weekends are held in the Fall at Echo Grove Camp and Retreat Center. Echo Grove is located in Leonard, MI, one hour north of Detroit.
The weekend begins at 5:30 pm with a cheese and cracker reception followed by dinner at 6:30 pm. The weekend finishes around 3:30 pm on Sunday.
What Happens After the Weekend?
The weekend is only a beginning.
What you learn and share during the weekend will hopefully be taken back and put into practice in your local congregation and community. You will be supported by many others who
have attended before or will attend with you.
Small groups are offered to affirm one another and to share the Christian life of grace. These activities inspire, challenge, and encourage Christian action in homes, churches and communities.
Why Should Christians Attend
a Renewal Weekend?
The least that can happen is that you will get away from your routine for a few days.
You will be in the middle of the beauty of Michigan nature.
You’ll meet nice people, have fun, and enjoy good food without having to cook.
That’s the LEAST that can happen.
The MOST that can happen is that it can change the horizons of your Christian walk. The weekend experience could help you see your life journey differently.
Just maybe the weekend will come at a time when renewal can help you.
How Much Does the Weekend Cost?
Costs are kept to a minimum to cover the cost of lodging, meals and supplies.
Since we do not want the lack of funds to keep any person from attending, financial assistance is available through the Guest Fund. Prayerfully consider what you can afford to pay toward the cost of your weekend, and we will pay the rest.
Weekend costs are $135 per person
How Can I Attend a Renewal Weekend?
If you are interested in attending a weekend complete the application and return it with your fee to the address at the bottom of the application.
If you would like more information, please contact Tami Cronce 810-357-1588, Chuck Sadler 586-303-0024, or email info@greatlakespilgrimage.org